3/10/2008 03:24:00 PM

Everex VA1500V Laptop now at WalMart.com


ANOTHER UPDATE: Well this has just turned ugly. My friend's NewEgg account was closed today and the order for the laptop was completely voided, then they said that the bank told NewEgg that his account was closed, which was a total crock of shite. So all told there will be no laptop coming, and I likely lost my online order buddy. So thanks for nothing you NewEgg fucks.

This kind of shit always seems to happen to me whenever I want to actually buy something for myself. I am not a rich man by any means and any amount of money over abotu $10 that I spend affects my budget in some manner. So, to trust a company with my hard-earned cash and to be treated in such a demeaning manner is fucking typical of my history of ordering tech. I know it wasn't my account that was closed and whatever, but it was my fucking money and, would have been, my fucking laptop. I suppose this is just a way for the man to stomp on my ballz and tell me that I shouldn't be spending $400 on a uber-cheap linux running laptop when I have a perfectly malfunctioning Thinkpad T-23 at home, and gas is over $3.00 a gallon.

Update: Ordering from NewEgg.com has been an exceptionally aggravating process for some reason. I had to order the item twice, cancel both of those and then have a friend buy it from his account. So now the order didn't start processing until late Friday afternoon. Hopefully, I will have the damn thing by about Thursday of next week.

The Everex VA1500V, the Cloudbook's big brother, is now available at Walmart.com for $398.00. But this means nothing to me personally since I just purchased this guy from NewEgg.com. They are processing the order and I should have it early next week. I can't wait!!


Anonymous said... @ March 10, 2008 at 4:02:00 PM CDT

I thought Newegg was really cool... well I guess I was wrong... won't order from them again.