2/28/2008 11:10:00 PM

Anarchy Online is great fun

Do you guys remember the hype surrounding this game about seven years ago? It was supposed to be one of the greatest MMOs ever, but a series of technical issues plagued players during release and stifled its popularity. Well Anarchy Online is still around, and they have made a series of impressive upgrades to their client - I think they are on version 17.7.3 - making it one of the funnest MMOs that I have played in a long time. Yeah the graphics are a little bit dated now but the gameplay makes up for it, honestly it just sucks you in. I was sick of playing WoW and sick of paying for it. Oh, didn't I mention that Anarchy Online is free to play now? Yeah, I know. Let the fucking Lich King wait, this is worth the break.
2/28/2008 09:04:00 PM

Billboard Liberation Front Strikes Again...

The Billboard Liberation Front struck again last night improving an AT&T billboard in San Francisco. The video shows the BLF altering the sign on a busy street in the Mission District. If you aren't familiar with the Billboard Liberation Front then give their Manifesto a read. They claim billboards to be fair game since they are inescapable in the current culture.

2/28/2008 09:29:00 AM

Another great from ChoppingBlock


I love Nietzsche.  Nietzsche paired with the serial killer from ChoppingBlock might anger some poeple, but honestly guys this is some funny stuff!

2/27/2008 10:18:00 PM

Site Change...

As you may have noticed I completely changed the blog to Tentacled Monkey. What is a tentacled monkey? Hell I don't know but it sounds demented! This is going to be my primary stomping ground from now on and I would like to invite you to join on a romp through the weird and tech savvy.

The more I play with the Blogger interface, the more I really am enjoying it. I have also started using the Windows Live Writer program from Micro$oft, and must admit that it is a very useful piece of software.
2/27/2008 03:43:00 PM

Losing CthulhuOnline...

So I am slowly coming to terms with the fact that the domain is going away, but this leaves me in a weird spot.  I very haven't not had a domain in a very long time.  But seeing as how I am attempting to be cheap, I figure I can use a free domain - I already have one, themurfman.is-a-geek.com, for that matter - and Blogger.  The real reason is for the outlet and to play.  If I have my Linux box and CLI then I am really happy there. 

Anyway, life moves on I suppose.  Maybe someone can actually make use of the damn domain and do something with it.  Cthulhu knows I couldn't.

2/27/2008 03:42:00 PM

Blogging for other people not all its cracked up to be...

So for the last week or so I have been blogging for a tech site that is trying to get off the ground, and I realized something.  I don't like blogging for other people, and right now I really don't have the time to do it properly.  Still, I think that the experience is worth it and I will try and pump out 2-3 posts a day for the guy, but honestly I am not sure how much longer I can do it.

It would seem to me to be much more productive to just keep blogging for myself and get better and better in the craft of writing in general so that I can branch out a little bit more.  We'll see how this all goes down.

BTW, I am about to lose the CTHULHUONLINE.COM domain and it is really depressing me.  If someone wants to give me $20 so I can pay GoDaddy then please email me.

2/26/2008 11:33:00 AM

Inigo Montoya T-shirt...

inigo_montoyaSome stuff just needs to be owned.  This is one of them.  If anyone asked WTF? I would simply ask them, "You killed my father. Prepare to die."  And start slaking towards them slowly...

Find it here for $17 bucks you can't beat it.

2/25/2008 11:34:00 AM

The Bedlam in Goliath by The Mars Volta


The prog-rock group Mars Volta has released their latest album, The Bedlam in Goliath, to mixed reviews. I have been a huge Volta fan since before there was a Mars Volta, back when guitarist Omar Rodriguez-Lopez and singer Cedric Bixler-Zavala were still involved with At the Drive In. This latest album is more of a return to the powerfully complex rhythms of previous albums without the slower aspects of the later albums, Frances the Mute for example. While this does not detract from the overall product, some silence can be golden, and at times it seems like Bedlam really needs it.

Overall, this is an amazing prog-rock album that fans of the group will enjoy. The story behind the album is one of the strangest I have heard in a while though. Evidently the band was plagued with ghosts and a really bad string of luck that was attributed to a spirit conjured by the group while on tour in 2006-07 from the use of an Israeli ougi board. Making for an interesting read in its own right.