3/09/2008 10:19:00 PM

Giving up on Accelerando...

I am giving up on reading Accelerando by Charles Stross mainly because it is just too strange and not as closely knit as I had originally hoped. I finished reading Halting State a few weeks ago and it was one of the best sci-fi books that I have ever read, so I purchased Accelerando on a whim not really sure what I was getting. I really enjoyed the beginning regardless of how strange it was, but once the first significant time shift occurs the novels fails to mesh back together cohesively. It is just too hard for me to read, so the next Stross that I pick up will be Glasshouse.

There are a number of books that I need to read anyway, namely anything by Gaiman, like Smoke and Mirrors. Also I think I want to read Brasyl by Ian McDonald. Anyway, sorry Chuck maybe the next read is better.