9/15/2008 05:06:00 PM

Hurricane Ike...

Well Friday night and Saturday morning Hurricane Ike plowed into the Texas coast. As a result we have lost everything save the few items we had with us when we evacuated. tens of thousands of dollars worth of books, thousands and thousands of dollars worth of computer and electronic equipment, and more importantly to me everything that belonged to my four year old daughter.

You can try and prepare yourself for the amount of destruction that has occurred but you really can't imagine it until you see it. Hundreds of houses that had at least three feet of standing water and many like ours that had 5 feet standing and at least 7 feet at one point inside.

I am effectively homeless, but I have my health and most importantly, my wife and daughter. I am not sure if anyone comes here any more but if you do, don't forget about us in Bridge City Texas. The media already has, and the destruction I saw in there today deserves some attention. It is absolutely heartbreaking.

I will see if I can get some photos online in the next few days.

Hope everyone is OK!