3/18/2008 07:49:00 PM

RIP Arthur C. Clarke

The BBC, and the AP are both saying that Arthur C. Clarke has passed away this evening. First E.Gary Gygax and now Sir Clarke. I can say that his SciFi was some of the first novels that I read. He was a living legend, a man who helped bring a genre of lit from the pulps up to the mainstream. I... I... well. shit I don't know what to say. Arthur C. Clarke has died.
3/18/2008 10:02:00 AM

Surrealist Nightmare? Furry Sex Show? No, It's Tokyo Fashion Week!


Who says that the Japanese are out of touch with Western culture?  This article from TokyoMango show us that yes we can all dress like furries and be socially acceptable!  Yeah, thanks Tokyo Fashion Week!  This looks like some sort of nightmarish cross between The Shining and Donnie Darko.  I just want to hide in a corner and recite the Rosary, and hell I'm not even Catholic, shit I'm not religious!  I have to admit though, this is strangely holding my attention more than I would have thought.  I love it!  English schoolboy uniforms and demonic cat masks, you just can't go wrong there man.

3/18/2008 08:47:00 AM

Absolutely Hilarious

Funny how sometimes bloggers and Cthulhu Aficionados just have their finger on the pulse of the nation, isn't it?  The Aristocrats blog is right on.

3/18/2008 08:33:00 AM

Cool Cthulhu Painting by Paul Carrick


Artist Paul Carrick from the NightSerpent blog has a new commission for a giant Cthulhu rising from the deep.  But this time, Cthulhu is red?  Well, it comes off really good and I would love to get a print of this if the option ever arises.  Simply amazing work, great job Paul!  For those of you who don't know the name Paul is an established artist working with several game publishers like Chaosium, Green Ronin, and Paradigm Games.

3/18/2008 07:56:00 AM

Don't Forget the CthulhuWiki

nyarlyIt seems like everyone has a wiki now-a-days, and well I suppose the Great Old Ones shouldn't be left out.  Those crazy Brits over at Yog-Sothoth.com have had the CthulhuWiki up for a couple of years now and everyone who is a fan should jump over there right now to check it out.